Monday, October 13, 2008

Someone tell Hernan Migoya

Another review, straight outta Sitges, by way of Google Translate:

"Deadgirl is a wonderful example of how the big stories are recycled, as the symbols are mixed resulting in exciting experiments generics. In the field of popular culture, myths are expanding, fly too high or are impregnated mud, but we can never appreciate them in their original purity. Deadgirl begins as a novel by Jack Ketchum, continues as one of Stephen King, and ends like a fairy tale where there is a hero with a machete, a princess, a dragon, a villain, his lackey and the dungeon their host. And by the way mutates, tilts between horror and humor adolescent: from a love story näif the chronicle of a friendly that evaporates; of the class struggle in a high school in the Midwest to be an essay on objectification of the body, or even could be defined as the total demystification of an archetype of the genre, which is sodomized. Deadgirl wants to be many things, maybe too much, but goes flying colors because it is narrated with conviction, with a lot of bad milk and believing in what is counted... the result is brilliant ... someone tell Hernan Migoya." - Miradas de Cine

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